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Samprapti (Pathogenesis of hairfall )

“Romakupanugam Pittam Vaaten Saha Murchitam I

Prachyavayati romani tataha shleshma sahashonitam II

Runadhi Romkupanstu taato Anyesham sambhav I

Tad Indraluptam Khalitya Rujyeti ch Vibhavyate II” Sushrut Samhita Nidan Sthan 13/32-33

The meaning of the above phrase is that when the vata dosha gets vitiated along with pitta dosha it goes into the romkupam i.e. the hair follicles and which results in hairfall.

The next pathology that occurs is that the Rakta Dosha along with Kapha Dosha goes into the romkupa which cause to close hair follicle thus, ultimately results in non growth of hair from that respective follicle. This is known as Indralupta(Alopecia Areata), Khalitya ,Ruhya.

The attributing causes for hair loss in Ayurveda are –

1.)Guru shitam atisnighadham atimatram Samnashtam I

Rasavahini Dushyanti Chintyanam Ch atichintanat IICharak Samhita Vimansthan 5/21

Nashor agneryathakalam Valayaha Palitani cha

IICharak Samhita Sutrasthan 28/8

Heavy food , cold , oily food if consumed in excessive quantity causes ‘Rasavaha Strotas Dushti’ which in turn causes hairfall ,graying of hair and wrinkles of skin.

2.)Kshara: …Keshakshihrudayounsotpghatkara: sampadyate ICharak Samhita Vimansthan 1/17

Tasmat lavanam Naati Upayunjit I

Ye Atilavansatmyaa Purushsneshamapi Khalitya Palityani Valayachakale Bhavanti I Charak Samhita Vimanstan 1/18

Salty foods like pickles , Chinese foods with preservative, papad ,packed preserved products should not be consumed in excessive amount as it causes hairfall , graying of hair & wrinkles of skin.

3.)Keshada ,Lomada ,Lomdwipa, Saurasa,Audumbara,Jantumatarescheti: Prabhav : - Keshshamshrunakhalompakshmapdhwansa: ICharak Samhita Vimansthan 7/11

Krimi like kesad ,lomad ,lomadwipa cause hairloss.

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